Sunday, December 12, 2010


So photo 5 is to post a picture that makes you laugh...this was an incredibly hard task because I have so many. I finally just picked one and here it is...

This is a photo of me, Kyrisa, Shae and Kevin. Kevin worked at Paul mitchell..and the rest of us were on Student council. We were at the school super late the night before halloween decorating the school. We obviously started to have a little TOO much fun : ]
Kevin was a huge idol of mine and these girls are such great friends we had a ton of fun together and got into some pretty crazy shenanigans!

Brett and I drove to Othello today to visit Ryan and Melissa! It was so fun! It was soooo great to see family (my side that is : ]) Their home is super nice...Ryan did such a great job of remodeling it! We went out to dinner and just talked. I loved having Brett be with them and for him to fit in so well! I just can't wait for Brett to meet the rest of the family!


  1. Cute pic! Was this in high school or at BYU-Idaho? When were you on the student council??
