Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Everything purple

He's such a HOT model..don't you agree?

So we finally made it down to Bed Bath and Beyond were we have tons of gift cards and got new sheets!!! They are purple of course and so beautiful! I just can't wait to cuddle in them.

Story of the day:

Wife is in the bathroom and styling her hair. Being sometimes a klutz accidently sprays hairspray in her eyes and screams from the shock and pain.

Husband is in the kitchen not too far away and has no reaction whatsoever to hearing his beloved wife scream.

Wife comes to the kitchen and says "would come to my aid if I was in some sort of terror?"

Husband gives Wife the expression he gives when he thinks Wife is being absurd and says "what are you talking about?"

Wife explains "Well I just screamed from spraying hairspray in my eyes and you had no reaction."

Husband bursts into laughter...and the convo can't be completed because of laughter.

Such goes the life of the Ehlerts : ]


  1. Very cute sheets!! I love them:) Tell Brett he needs to run to you if you scream...even if it's for a klutzy moment:) haha.

  2. I'm going to tell you what I tell the boys - "you're allowed to scream if you've cut a part of your body off or if you find your brother passed out in a pool of blood ... that's it ... nothing else warrants a scream. Period. The end."
