Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Anyone can be a romantic

Valentines day was absolutely FANTASTIC!!! Filled with lots of surprises and fun : ] I have the hardest time getting men stuff..I just feel like women are so much easier then men for any holiday. Maybe I'm biased? When Brett mentions he likes..or would like anything I always really try to remember because whenever I ask him what he would like for something he never has an answer or just doesn't care. So it's like playing detective with him : ]

Here's what I got him...

I made him some sugar cookies designed by the one and only me.

We were watching a show about this rich family where the husband has a little putting golf thing in his house that he always plays on while his wife is complaining about something and Brett mentioned how he would LOVE having one of those. For pure fun..not to drown my voice out or anything.

He's such a stud isn't he? Of course Brett masters everything he tries so I'm pretty positive he's already gotten 1 million hole in one shots. How on earth am I supposed to keep up?!

Brett always says " I'm not a romantic's just not my personality" and I always tell him "well you could be if you really wanted to!"

So I wasn't going to expect all that much this valentines day but he spoiled me and treated me like a princess and went way overboard! It was just the cutest thing ever to see how excited he was about how excited I was!

I walked into the living room to find these...

and these....

and this..(which can be engraved on next valentines day he so excitedly told me)

and my favorite the jewelry box was this...

I've been wanting a necklace with our engraved names on it forever! I love that he remembered that.

This is the back..our wedding date! So so so cute! I absolutely love it!

His uncle told Brett that he should'nt have gone all out because every year he has to surpass the last years Valentines Day, but hey..thats ok right?

For dinner we got a heart shaped pizza from Papa Murphys...yum! Then we went down the local arcade and played ski ball (my face) and other games and won some tickets which we ended up exchanging for a water gun and a little parachute guy.

So we had a VERY successful Valentines day full of love, family, laughter and happiness. That's what it's all about.


  1. Wow!! I'm very impressed with BOTH of you! I love love love your necklace, that is such a cute idea!! I totally want one:) haha. Love ya!

  2. That's so funny about the golf game! I love the necklace, it's so sweet and thoughtful! Way to go Brett!

  3. Oh he's good. LOVE his presents to you.
