Saturday, February 12, 2011

And the family just keeps getting bigger!

So remember that cute squishy little baby I blogged about earlier? Well here he is...

He looks just like his daddy! I cannot wait to kiss his sweet little face! I just can't get enough of this picture!

Well folks..I've got some news that will just knock you off your seats..

My little/big sister ( little because she was born at 10 pounds and hasn't gained a pound since...and big because she's 3 years older) anyway haha she is....


Yea! I know! So crazy! I've never met the he has quite a treat ahead to meet the rest of the Hahn clan : ] Here they are in all there cuteness...

Congrats Carrie and Zach! Can't wait to party in Livermore AGAIN in june : ]


  1. Ok, I thought that I had just commented, but it got deleted. So if I show up with 2 comments, that will be hilarious. haha....anyway, I was saying that that is such a cute picture of Brady!! And I'm so excited to party in June, yaya!!

  2. So cute, both pictures. I love my little Brady and I am so excited for Zach and Carrie. Look forward to meeting him soon. Love you Sarah!

  3. At first I thought you were going to announce that you were preg_ _ _ _...oh Carrie's engaged, that's right!
