Monday, December 5, 2016

Pep Baby Cover

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So Macey isn't a baby anymore but when I saw this and I just had to snag it for when we have another baby!(No I'm not pregnant haha) I've seen these everywhere and thought they were so smart!! The cover I had for Macey would always flap in the wind and didn't keep her very warm at all, or safe from the millions of people wanting to peek at her when she was a newborn lol! So when I saw this I knew it was a must! It has SO many uses!!! Carseat cover, nursing cover, and a shopping cart cover! The material is so so soft and I tried it on to see if it would be easy to nurse under and the material is so stretchy and easily fits over me, I could also fit twins under there if needed haha! It also came with a little laundry bag! So cute! If anyone is in the market for one of these I HIGHLY recommend this brand! #pepbabycover
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Monday, October 3, 2016

Mickey Mouse Pancakes!

Anyone that knows me knows I'm all about Disney! I love old classic disney, and new disney, disneyland, disney shows etc. If it's made by Disney I can almost guarantee you that I will love it! Brett and his side of the family aren't so much. So I'm really hoping that Macey takes after me in this area and LOVES disney! The other day I decided to attempt to make Macey some mickey mouse pancakes! Mind you I have never done this before, but I'm pretty skilled at making a good pancake. As you can tell from the picture it didn't turn out to well hahaha! Oh well, at least I tried right? When I made these pancakes I got to use my new spatula from home dejour! I'm oddly picky about certain things in my life and spatulas are in that category! I'm picky! They need to slide super easily under the food, they need to be easy fit in the tight space between the pan and the pancake etc. I got this picky when I first started making grilled cheese sandwhiches as a little girl. This new spatula I got is pretty nice! I love how it is super bendy, and I love how it looks sleek and fancy but it totally affordable! So if youre a spatula weirdo like me I recommend getting this one : ] #homedejourspatula here's the link  I received this product for free or for a discount to give my unbiased and honest opinion!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Baby Watching!

Brett and I are so lucky that Macey is a sleep lover like us! She goes down pretty easy, and when she wakes up she doesn't cry. She will just either quietly play in her crib or start talking. The only problem is neither of those things will wake me up so I worried she would be awake and I would just continue to sleep. So luckily my sister let me borrow her video monitor. Such a blessing! I'm able to tell if she wakes up in the middle of the night and I can look and see if she dropped her blanket over the edge, or if she's going back to sleep etc all without entering the room, which if we did would just make her not want to go back to sleep. Unfortunately her monitor broke on me! So I've been on search for a new one! I discovered the Smarson Camera that works off of wifi! I thought this was so cool because I could check on Macey straight from my phone. The camera is actually pretty cute, it kind of reminds me the little droid from the new star wars haha! You download an app on your phone and control it from there. Only problem is I can't get it to connect to wifi! I've tried resetting it, turning it on and off, setting it up manually and it's just not working. I'm going to try and contact the company and see what they say. Hopefully we can get this figured out soon!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Bouncing Baby Bellies!

I have a 17 month old little squishy baby that I love and adore so much. She has the cutest little pot belly that I love to squeeze and kiss and tickle! Unfortunately for me, I also have a bit of a belly since giving birth via c-section. Before having Macey I had always heard of belly wraps and such but didn't pay much attention to them. When women say your body changes after giving birth, boy are they not kidding! I've gotten curves where i've never had them before and even through lots of exercise and diet they just are not going away. Now we are thinking about when to start trying for another baby, and part of me wonders, will those curves just get BIGGER?! ah! So I started doing some research and I came across these belly bands that had amazing reviews! I was so lucky to receive this beautiful belly band made by Mamaway for free. Now I did not just have a baby so I can't say exactly how effect it works. But I will tell you it is surprisingly extremely comfortable, and I feel secure in it, which is exactly how I DIDN'T feel after my c-section. So I know this will help a ton after my next baby. The only con I could find is it's easier to get it nice and tight when you have someone help you strap it on. I couldn't quite get it tight enough by myself. But anyways, I'm so excited to wear this 24/7 after my next babe and maybe my belly wont be so bouncy hahaha : ]
#bellyband #postnatal #bellywrap #maternitysupport #MamawayUSA

Thursday, June 11, 2015

To My Sweet Little Macey

4 months ago to this very day you came into our lives. You caught me by surprise coming 2 weeks early. I felt unprepared, in shock, and yet at peace knowing how much happiness was ahead of us. Our journey to having you didn't start 9 months before you were born though and every day I've been filled with thoughts of how I need to write down our story. I want you to know the happy and sad moments of getting you into our little home. So I've decided to write our journey before I forget all the little details that right now mean a whole lot to me. I hope reading this bring a spirit of love into your heart, because you truly are so loved and so special. Brett and I feel blessed every day to have you in our lives! I'm not the most articulate or best writer around but I'll try my best! XOXO Your Mom

Sunday, December 4, 2011


For thanksgiving we were so blessed to be able to go to Vancouver WA where my sister Kelli lives! I successfully convinced my parents to drive up from California, and Ryan and Melissa came! It was so fun! Most of it was spent Christmas shopping, eating, and making fun of each other haha! It was so fun seeing all of the little babies! We also went to the church and played lazer tag! SO fun!!!! I loved playing with Kelli, her laugh is my favorite and it's fun watching her get into it haha! We didn't take enough pictures but here's the few we did!

Here is little baby Brady! He is the happiest, smiliest, cutest baby EVER! He seriously is always smiling and so fun to hold and squeeze!

Brett took this picture of little Cameron! Cameron is Bretts little buddy it's so cute! Brett loves to lift Cameron super high with one hand and Cameron freaks out, it's hilarious haha!

Here is Mom and Dad with all the babies in their pajamas! It was so great seeing Mom and Dad!

It was soooo hard to leave! All of Kellis babies were begging us to stay another day and it was so heartbreaking to turn them down! We are so blessed to have the greatest nieces and nephews ever! They are all so incredibly sweet and fun! We wish we could live on the same street with all of them!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Green Bluff!

Brett and I want on a double date with the Kents! JaNae Kent is Bretts cousin, her husband is Matt the guy that does all the dance offs with Brett, they are seriously two peas in a pod those two haha! We LOVE their little girl McKenzie, she is so adorable! Green bluff is just a little ways from us and consists of tons of farms with pumpkins, apples, berries etc. You get to go out and pick your own from the patches and it's so beautiful out there!

On one of the farms they had this tiny little Green car it only has 3 wheels!

One of the pumpkin farms!

Brett and I : ]

They were having a festival at one of the farms and they were selling these Angry Bird hats haha sooo funny!